Moronic Intelligence, Muchacha, and BRVR were enjoying sandwiches just outside of Jeff's Cafe. "Hey, dude, bring Piplup back out!" BRVR shouted, slamming his fist down on the table. "Lay off the weed, dude," Muchacha joked. "I don't smoke weed," BRVR insisted as he lit some weed. "Okay, I'll bring Piplup out. GO, PIPLUP!" Moronic Intelligence shouted as he threw Piplup's PokeBall out. Piplup popped out with a cheerful cry. "Dude, Piplup's AWESOME." Muchacha said, admiring the wonderfulness of Piplup. Suddenly, EVIL PATRIXXX appeared! GASP! "Oh no! Not again!" Moronic shouted. Fatal Disease and SOMEGUY123 attempted to shoot Patrixxx, but the bullets deflected back on them, resulting in their deaths. "BRVR! USE YOUR WEED!" Muchacha shouted, scared. "It's no use. Wait, Piplup! Go fight Patrixxx! Now!" Piplup went up into the air and used Bubble Beam, which was deflected back on Piplup. Piplup didn't receive too much damage from this, as it was his own attack. Patrixxx attempted to kill Piplup with a headbut, but Piplup fired into his mouth with Bubble Beam and knocked him all the way over into Disney Channel Studios, where he became an actor starring as Jessie in the hit TV show JESSIE.